
Everybody has dreams, cherished desires of their heart, someday stories. Often life gets in the way and worries and responsibilities take ownership of pieces of your life like squirrels store nuts for winter, forgetting where they hid more than half the stash. 

The unused life pile grows with age, that coffee you never drank on the patio when the sun was shining through the lilacs, that time when you couldn’t go to the zoo with the children, that craft project still sitting in a box in your basement or attic, waiting for someday.

Our lives are made of reallocated somedays, of somedays that could have been. Take a moment, no longer than your schedule allows without adding stress, to pick one of these someday projects out of storage and actually do it. 

Yes, your children will laugh at your knitting and your conscience will poke you repeatedly as you savor your coffee on the porch while the dishes are waiting.

Pick up that book you wanted to read for ten years, find your brushes and gouaches, paint the Adirondack chairs purple!

Nobody bothers to weigh the value of all the unfulfilled little wishes happiness is made of, and sometimes there is nothing in their way, nothing more than our getting accustomed to letting them go. 

This is one of my someday projects: every time I browsed through the numerous books on landscaping and garden design I wished I could see images like this in my yard, and now I do. Of course it takes just the right light and time of day, and the camera adds its own magic, but dreamscape it is.

Now, about that coffee…

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