anxiously awaiting

After so many months of winter I tend to forget how beautiful the garden is, and how much I enjoy being in it, so now, between the balmy weather and the luxurious spring growth I find myself seeking any reason to be outside. 

None of the new native plants for the shade emerged yet, and the trouble is I don’t know when they are supposed to come out, but the perennials planted in the previous year are up to an enthusiastic start this spring. 

I keep waiting for rain, lazy gardener that I am, but nature decided to teach me good gardening practice, so it’s putting off the showers for until after I’ve applied myself and watered. No shortcuts, of course, what am I thinking!

Still too early to plant the annuals, although I am seriously tempted. Until it’s time I go out every day to check for flower buds on the peonies, clematis and roses. It’s finally spring!

Now that all the good things have been covered it is worth mentioning that the weeds are having a jolly good time, bless them. They added another full day to the cleaning schedule all by themselves. They made me abandon my organic dream and apply chemical treatment to the lawn. It’s mayhem.

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