perennial garden

Two autumns ago I started a lot of perennials from divisions: irises, daisies, garden phlox, daylilies, and this is the year for them to start blooming. Of course, this fall I forgot to move the beautiful Pink Sorbet peony, which means it’s going to spend another spring trying to dig itself out from under the rugosa rose, and let me tell you, that’s not an easy feat.

The hellebore babies that sprouted around the mature plants like chicks around the mother hen seem to be very happy in their new locations, where they have lots of room to grow. And grow they did, although I think they’re still too young to start blooming.

The thing with starting perennials from divisions and cuttings is that not all of them are quick to develop, but I know from experience that patience is always rewarded.

Way too much tickseed already! Those things would sprout in cement, I kid you not. I feel bad about pulling them, and not a single one survived transplanting, so, there’s the conundrum.

Again, victim of fall procrastination, the part shade garden is still lopsided, with the resilient clumps of the daylilies all crowding one side. I was supposed to distribute them evenly through the garden, but it did not happen.

Not actually perennial, but judging by the amount of seeds they produced, forever in my garden, I’m sure to have a lot of giant purple cleomes in the garden.

Now if I could only find some room for the roses. Oh, well, I was planning to extend the flower beds anyway.

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