
Fall arrived suddenly, with temperatures dropping thirty degrees and a quick change of scenery. It’s not leaf season yet, but after a couple of rains and a few cold nights when temperatures approached freezing there should be glorious color on the trees this year.

For some weird reason I almost look forward to cozying up with a gardening book by the fire and ignoring the fact that the days keep getting shorter and darker and colder. Very fast too, it seems. How is it already dark at six?

The last crop of tomatoes is still on the vine, I should pick them clean and process the fruit before the frost sets in.

The flower beds badly need weeding, I can’t tell which is what anymore and the roses have been engulfed by overenthusiastic shrubbery.

In the meantime nature renders beautiful light around its charges, surrounding them with auras and liquid rainbow strands.
It’s only a flower, isn’t it?

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