very sage

I had to give the sage a serious hair cut so that the struggling rose could emerge from under it. When plants thrive, they thrive. I’ve had this clump of sage for two years, and it expanded through all the seasons, including winter, only it knows why!

I really don’t know what to do with sage, really, but that is a question for later in the season, when I’ll start harvesting it, for now I’m just looking forward to its bloom, which is about to start any moment now.

The scent sage exudes as it dries is surprisingly pleasant, considering the pungent smell of its fresh leaves.

I felt bad about chopping up almost half of the clump right when it was about to bloom, so I cleaned up all the stems that had buds and made a little “flower” arrangement. Sadly, sage is not one of the plants that make long lasting cut flowers, note to self. The one in the garden is still doing splendidly, as you can see.

If you happen to be a brunette, an infusion of sage and rosemary will do your tresses a world of good. Use it as a rinse to darken the gray, restore bounce and shine to your hair and make it grow thicker and healthier from the follicle down to the tip.

Hey, I just found a use for sage, it’s just the smell is not exactly user friendly.

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