veggies to start outdoors

Some plants don’t benefit from being started indoors. There are a few reasons for this: their tender foliage has a hard time adjusting to the change of environment, their roots dislike being disturbed or their growth schedule is so accelerated that they outgrow their starting containers too soon.

Here are the classics.

Cucumbers, melons and squashes. Not only they have to be planted directly outside, but the nets have to be in place and ready for their fast growing foliage and heavy fruit. They like being planted in nests, four or five seeds at the time, not alone.

Any type of beans or peas, seriously, don’t waste your time with the growing trays, just throw them on the ground, they’ll take over the universe in less than a month in any conditions.

Root vegetables. Radishes are very early plants and like the cold. They go seed to harvest in fifty days, just in time for the warm loving vegetables to take their place. Carrots and beets’ tap roots simply can’t withstand transplanting.

Onions, garlics and leeks, which are not started from seed anyway.

Leafy vegetables, salad, spinach, chards, grow so fast they’re not worth the effort of setting up the starting pods. Plant them indoors if you want to have fresh greens in winter. Same goes for broad leaved herbs.

Speaking of herbs, the ones that like dry sunny climates, like rosemary and lavender, won’t do well indoors no matter what you do, they just don’t have enough light and can’t adjust to the indoor air quality. They’re also difficult to grow from seed outdoors. You’re better off getting plants or propagating existing ones by cuttings.

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