garden angels

Whether you believe in angels or not, we’re all acquainted with the wealth of stories that evolved from the faith in their existence.

According to tradition an angel’s most important duty is to protect. What? Basically everything: people, places, endeavors, universes, time, events that haven’t happened yet, you name it, there is an angel in charge. For those of us blessed with a green thumb, the icing on the cake are the garden angels, whose task is to oversee the growth of plants and ensure they thrive and multiply over many seasons.

This probably explains the popularity of angel statuary in gardens large and small and the feeling of serenity that comes upon us when we discover them suddenly, half hidden by luxurious plant growth.

Next time you’re at wit’s end about that dry patch in the shade where nothing seems to grow there is comfort in the knowledge that specialized help is available.

So then, you ask, if this is so, why hasn’t my garden turned into the paradise I always dreamed of? Sadly, like it is with most interactive systems, the answer is usually operator error. Besides, the garden is always doing splendidly with or without the gardener’s input, just not in the manner they want it to.

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