seed box
I didn’t go through my seed box yet, but there is still plenty of time, at least a couple more weeks until I can bring out the starting trays.
Last year I got a lot of plants that preferred to be planted directly outdoors and had to wait until the end of April for the unseasonably cold weather to go away. Again, speaking of lessons learned, this year I’ll do the opposite, to give most of the plants a good head start regardless of when the last frost decides to visit.
I still have the results of previous’ years efforts thriving in the front yard: a couple of healthy delphiniums, one glorious Maltese cross, pink lupines, a sea of violets and more wild bleeding hearts than I can count.
Growing perennials from seed proved to be somewhat difficult, their germination rate is generally lower and they take a lot longer to get established, but the benefits of starting a few hard to find perennials greatly outweigh the annoyance factor of them being hit or miss.
I have a couple of favorites I never managed to start and I try them every year, out of sheer stubbornness, Canterbury bells and carnations. I will of course try them again this year too, you know what they say, if at first you don’t succeed…
I will start a lot of marigolds this spring, at least they are a sure thing, because I want to make the vegetable garden pretty. And some Saint John’s Wort, the real one this time.