garden imagery

There are the rare moments when simple images like these are more than enough to justify dripping sweat over organic fertilizer in 100 degree heat.

It rained last night, it was a powerful and earth drenching thunderstorm, like only summer knows how to bring. The sky was ablaze with white lightning and thunders boomed so strong they made the earth tremble.

The garden didn’t mind: it thrives on these storms that bring plentiful and refreshing water after days of dizzying heat.

The morning rays did not have the chance to dry up all the raindrops when I took this picture. Not ripened yet, almost there, one day away from the kitchen table.

If you are looking for inspiration for a color scheme it’s hard to imagine you would find a more subtle contrasting harmony than this. You can almost feel the sun’s intensity in this hot orange fruit waiting to turn red. The translucent skin reveals the tiny seeds inside this little bunch of goodies. There are hanging bunches like this all over the garden, hidden under branches, peeking from behind fluffy exuberant growies, weaving through fragrant sweet peas and bright red scarlet runner beans.

They are very productive these grape tomatoes, I have a bowl running over in the kitchen already. As I was saying previously, four tomato plants are plenty. I planted more than that.

Back to the heat, back to the sweat. Still, an image is worth a thousand words.

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