purple cone flowers

The purple cone flower (echinacea) is largely known to boost immunity. All parts of the plant can be dried and used medicinally. The tea brewed from purple cone flowers will relieve colds, mumps and arthritis, or any afflictions of the respiratory system (the plant is good for easing congestion). Echinacea will provide light pain relief for stings, cuts or burns, eczema, toothaches and minor skin irritations.

In order to obtain the best immunity booster effects, use echinacea tea  for two weeks at most. Continuous use will significantly diminish the medicinal properties.

Purple cone flowers are one of the few cone flower varieties that will come true from seed. When you  harvest seed for next year, don’t forget to leave some seed heads for the finches and the cardinals, they absolutely love them.The seed heads won’t look very pretty in winter, but the birds will.

Purple cone flowers are generally considered sun loving plants; mine receive part sun under a pine tree and are thriving. The partly shaded spots keeps the leaves green and healthy and discourages Japanese beetles from attacking the flowers.

Echinacea is native to the eastern part of the United States and will thrive without any help if it finds a good spot. It tends to spread, so be sure to either provide enough space or control the spread.

4 Responses to “purple cone flowers

  • I really like your weblog, especially the photographs, do you take them your self? In Scotland we have been blessed having a great variety of flora, by far the most breathtaking of which are most likely the springtime flowers. Can I use a few of the images with my personal blogging site? I would backlink any back to here obviously. Addison Hughes

    • admin
      14 years ago

      I take the pictures myself and they are with very few exceptions from my garden. Please feel free to use them.

  • I like your website, especially the photographs, do you take them yourself? Here in England we’re also blessed with a large selection of flora, by far the most spectacular of which are probably the springtime flowers. Can I use a few of the shots with my personal flower blog? I will backlink any photos back to here of course.