use calendula oil

If you are looking for a good carrier oil for massage or a way to care for sensitive, irritated skin, calendula oil is a perfect choice. It doesn’t have much aroma in itself, so it can be mixed with other infused or essential oil for fragrance.

Due to its high carotenoid and flavonoid content calendula is highly effective for cellular repair; the oil seals and hydrates sores and hard to heal woulds, and its regenerative properties have been documented in multiple studies.

It soothes cracked, dry, irritated and oversensitive skin, and helps with skin ulcers or spider veins; it doesn’t sting and will help heal burns and eczema. It is gentle enough for babies’ delicate skin and can be used to prevent and eliminate diaper rash; will soothe cracked nipples for breastfeeding mothers. (please make sure to ask the doctor’s advice before using for this purpose).

To make infused calendula oil, fill a glass jar with dried flower petals and add enough good quality oil such as grape seed or sweet almond to cover it. Cover the jar with a clean cheesecloth or coffee filter and leave in a sunny window for at least 10 days.

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