make infused oil

This is a simple way to make infused oils. As a variation on this process, you can add a whole dried stem of basil or thyme, together with other seasonings, like sea salt and crushed pepper flakes, to a bottle of olive oil to get an aromatic mix that will look great on an open shelf and taste even better on your salad. You can even take this a step further and seal the bottle with colorful wax for a fancier look.

Infused oils can be used in salves, creams, and other topical products. In this case I used mint, but other medicinal dried herbs can be used ( a few examples – calendula, saint john’s wort, basil, thyme, etc.). Make sure that all containers you use are clean and completely dry.

Pick off only the leaves from the dried up mint stems.Crush them into a powder.Pour the content into a clean, dry jar.Add a good quality oil (I prefer the ones without a strong flavor).
After 10 minutes check the jar and add more oil if needed to cover the plant material.Cover with a coffee filter or clean cheese cloth and leave in a sunny window for at least 10 days.Strain through a filter or cheesecloth.Enjoy! Use in home made remedies.

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