Vegetable art

I’m sure you’ve all been telling your children to eat their vegetables, but in case they insist on ice cream being yummier maybe they can be encouraged to photograph them.

Whether it ends up in the pot or on the wall (and chances are that it will do both), your colorful produce can inspire quite interesting imagery.

I’m not sure the words vegetable and art can be used together in a sentence, but check these out.


Since this is a gardening blog, though, I am going to address the fact that the image above depicts Scarlet Runner Beans, the red variety(both the beans and the pods). They are the first of this year’s crop. Can you imagine bean soup made out of these? I can hardly wait!

Also in the gallery you will find the garden variety tomatoes and the carrot (since the carrot crop consisted of one item, I wanted to immortalize it). And yes, the carrot is white.


The collection would not have been complete without my daughter’s “Tomatoes, carrot and food bowl” composition, or the “They just started turning purple” bean pods.

Last but not least, even though they are not vegetables, seed pods make for great high contrast photography, such as the one above.

Alternately, you can just eat the produce directly, photography not required.

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