The New Veggie Garden

The date of the last frost came and went and I eagerly set out to plant this year’s vegetable garden. I will say...

september activities

September is the month to expand your flower beds or make changes to established ones: the weather does not stress the plants and as they slow down their metabolic processes to...

what plants need to thrive

If you’ve ever driven by a flower meadow in the middle of summer, you must have realized that plants handle...

hardiness zones

If you’ve been gardening for a while, no doubt you know what hardiness zone your pride and joy grows in....

health and beauty – roses

There is no better flower for mature and thinning skin than the rose. It restores the complexion to its elastic,...

about perennial gardens

Growing a perennial garden places one in the weird circumstance of having to work around the clock without actually planting...

gardening by the moon

Gardening by the moon is a bit of a contentious subject among farmers and gardeners; some swear by it and...

too much rain, too little rain

It’s raining really hard again, a heavy rain complete with lightning bolts and earth shaking thunder. The air is too...

container gardening

Container gardening sneaks up on you. You start with one potted plant and pretty soon the entire patio or balcony...

spring cleaning

The garden is finally in shape, after titanic efforts which spanned over most of the week, a little late, but...