edible landscape

Look at this beauty! It almost makes me sad to think that it will fade when it bears fruit. As you know, squash blossoms are featured on the select list of edible flowers. I can’t think of a better way to decorate a salad, actually it is a salad in itself: this flower completely covers a small plate.

Squash blossoms bring to the garden the luxury of enormous and vividly colorful flowers one only finds in tropical climates and rain forests. Sadly they are not fragrant.

Like all cucurbits, squashes will not do well if the weather is too hot, and they definitely need plenty of water, otherwise their foliage wilts and the fruit gets stunted and bitter. As soon as the weather cooled down, the squash plant diligently started producing again.

Remember that fall is the season of harvest, and many plants seriously slow down in the summer heat, only to pick up with renewed strength when temperatures are more favorable. Beans, peas and squash are a few examples.

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