october harvest

The blooming slowed down but the harvest doubled. Every day there are more tomatoes than the day before. I spy them under leaves as I bend and stretch through rose branches and wrought iron trellises. There is fragrance in the air, an earthy and enlivening breeze that contrasts with the dry and tired state of the fall garden.

Then again I look at this produce and can’t picture fallen leaves and drizzling rain, if anything it reminds me of Christmas, all red, green and wholesome. After I took this picture I baked, cooked and reduced the veggie flavors to their essence, which is a poetic way to say that I made zacusca. (I never thought that the words zacusca and poetry belonged together in a sentence, but I guess it is possible.)

For those never tried it, this dish is a bit of an acquired taste, the flavors are too strong: roasted eggplants, roasted peppers, too much onion, lots of tomato paste. If you are more adventurous in your food pursuits, try it. With antacids. The fried eggplants and the abundance of oil make for a guaranteed heartburn.

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