Crabapple fruit

This wonderful little tree is literally weighed down with fruit. Speaking of garden interest for the cold months, these pretty berries will attract many birds through the fall and will create beautiful contrast when set against snow and ice.

Crab apple trees are some of the most popular decorative trees, and for good reasons: in spring they put up a stunning display of rose-white flowers with a wonderfully delicate fragrance that lingers on the wind and follows you around, not strong enough to indicate its source, not faint enough to make it possible to ignore.

In the fall, the branches are weighed down by these pretty, abundant and very much edible berries. If the birds leave some, please see crab apple jelly recipe below.

In winter the remaining berries will look splendid against the white background of snow.

If you have an apple tree that is not self-pollinating, a crab apple that blooms at the same time somewhere in its proximity will solve the problem for you.

So here goes the Crab apple Jelly recipe:

3-4 pounds of crab apples

3 cups of sugar

Put the crab apples into a large pan and cover with water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the mixture, add sugar and bring it to a boil again, stirring constantly. Skim the foam off the top and let the jelly thicken until one droplet falling on a plate keeps its shape. Pour into jars and seal with lid.

Crab apple jelly has a beautiful bright red color that makes it excellent for adding color to creams, pastries and other deserts.

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