Rose Fragrances

There isn’t a rose fragrance, there are several. The heavy rose fragrance we’re all familiar with comes from the Damasks...

Roses for Landscaping

It is amazing what special status roses have in gardens! A gardener will move a tree, completely restructure a flower...

Lily Pons

After last year’s frigid winter I feared I lost the tea roses, whose canes are not as winter hardy as the shrub varieties’. With a...

Rose Breeding

The procedure for creating new roses is lengthy and the success rate is very low, but if you are really...

Keeping Roses Healthy

Having healthy roses is more about prevention than it is about cure. Give the shrubsplenty of space to prevent moisture from sticking...

Troubleshooting Roses

Roses have earned the dubious privilege of being considered sensitive and difficult to grow. This is not entirely true of course, a...

painting with light

It is not the change of the seasons or the succession of blooms that keep your garden always new, but...

cottage garden roses

When a cottage garden is well designed it makes you forget the planning that went into creating it and takes...


Most gardeners, often unknowingly, have an idealized image of what a garden should look like, and aspire to recreate it,...

an eighty acre garden

Do you know why I enjoy mixing perfumes? Imagine an open field of roses, extending as far as the eyes...